Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mole People: Herb's Perspective

Hey, there’s that Fabrey kid always runnin round the yard pickin his nose, lookin for worms. Dumbest sombitch ya ever did see. Not a damn bit a care what any un else inna world thinks, though. Gotta give him that. Stubborn. Just a mess, though. Stupid as all hell. Put a fresh hot soggy dog turd in his mouth last week. He gag, spit 'er out, and start cryin like a bitch. His momma come runnin out and grab him. Probly wash his mouth out with Listerine or some such thing. Three days later eats a dry dog turd. Why the hell a kid do that? He jus' put a fresh dog turd in he damn mouth three days go! No sense in the boy whatever. Dumbass chew the poop and scrunch his face like he bit a lemon. He gag again then puke. All-out bawled, whole while puke drippin off he chin. He shirt, mind you, bright pink from all that puke. What a hell kid eatin, ya know? Strawberry ice cream? Cotton candy? Pepter Bismul? Don’t know, but it was nasty.

What I sayin now? Not sure what I gettin at, but Mole People gettin lotsa news lately. First Iraq then Ghanistan then some other shit an now is Mole People. What I don't figure is what the hell Mole People have to do with nothin? They behind the whole al Qaider thing? Other day I's talkin Bob Johnson on Maplewood over there yonder roundabout and he say them Moles ain't part the whole Muslim deal. Say they got resorts, underground Vegas or somethin. Ya go down there get hammered, play blackjack, and fuck some Mole whore. Sounds damn patriotic to me, I tell ya!

Ya know, not sure I's gonna say that. Not sure what I wanna say, but wassin that. It a thing I say, but not what I wanna say. That clear? What I wanna say, now I thinna bouttit, is no matter how many shots a Tequila I drink I can never get the image of a donkey fuckin a pig outta ma head. Is just, that’s what’s there, you know?

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