Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Truth, Inc.

On November 11, 2014, I will be delivering my first public statement as the corporation known as Truth, Inc. The statement will be “Democracy is a skill.” I will give a brief explanation of what I mean. As of now I mean primarily that the evidence of democracy can only be measured through the civil activities of its citizens in relation to the exercise of each of their respective rights, liberties, and duties. While democracy is also an effort, an act of will, its effectiveness depends on the skillfulness of individuals to act democratically.

If there is emotional development and cognitive development is there not also civic development? What are its measures? How do we measure the civic maturity of an individual? Are there civic developmental stages? What might they consist of? Would they differ depending on the structure of the government? Is civic duty environmentally adaptive? Does liberty have an evolutionary psychology? Why do so many people lose their keys?

I will take questions after providing an explanation, an explanation which will be much more robust after months of intense focus on these issues. After answering questions I will make a final statement: “Each day at noon I will make a public statement that will be true. On some days I may merely observe and say, ‘It is raining. I will not be taking questions today.’ On others I will say, ‘The sun rises,’ communicating to all that I am a positional thinker allowing my ego to define purpose through self, acknowledging that I am not more than the being that I am, neither an island nor a continent. Maybe I’m a peninsula. Or a wetlands that has been turned into a parking lot.”

After saying such a thing, whether a year from now or ten years from now, I may think to myself privately that when the sun sets I feel the universe observing the sun setting through my eyes. This vessel, this body, so important to me, is going to give way. All bodies do. I wonder how much time I should spend wondering whether this body is a vessel or whether it’s all there is of me. My body seems to be a breathing machine, a machine that inhales air through my nose, down my esophagus, into my lungs which suck up what they need from the air and then expel the converted air back through the esophagus and mouth into the external environment before inhaling another noseful. As long as I live the cycle continues.

I, the breathing machine, am inhaling what is not me into me, converting what was not me into what is now me and then expelling that which has become part of me from me so that it becomes not me. I am a converter of materials from one form to another. I do it in a different way than bacteria, but I do it nevertheless. It’s my purpose! I am to breathe, eat, sleep, sweat, piss, fart, burp, and cum. These are among my purposes. There shall be no shame related to these things for I have been designed to do these things. So have you. Every human being has.

Some days in the future I will come to my press conference and weep openly. I will still deliver a statement of truth or at least a declaration of some sort, but I will not stop crying. Other days I will show no emotion at all. I may give information via sign language and on some days I will sing while playing piano. I may deliver my statement via email or hire a prostitute to speak for me.

How will Truth, Inc., earn a profit? Will it do other things besides make daily public statements? Good questions, questions I cannot answer at the moment. I’m sorry there will be no more questions at this time.

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