Thursday, September 2, 2021

Bipolar Thoughts

Tell a Lie and the Story of the Lie Exists: "I did not eat the cookie," is a lie because I did eat the cookie. On the other hand, "I did not eat the cookie," is real because the statement exists. Hence, lies are real without being true. Ta da!

You're welcome. No, I mean, "You're welcome to come in out of the cold, bitter rain."

Try raising a child in an entirely grey environment then add ten micros to every macro. And why did Bertrand Russell, the British foo fighter, waste his precious time answering questions that had nothing to do with capitalism? He could have invented instant oatmeal and made a small fortune for something worthwhile that satisfied desire for quick morning porridge. I weep over his selfish un-Americanism.

If you're delusional, there's not a soul anywhere who will be able to prove you wrong. Also, propositional logic can be performed by monkeys, but none you have met. Victims of vertigo slip and look distorted in carnival halls of mirrors. Now, flip the script: for White Supremacists, Black Lies Matter; for the Woke, All Lies Matter. 

These are underlying frameworks, Underlying Frameworks! Under Lies. Under lies the framework. His Big Secret was that he had the Super Power of Under Lying! Paying spatial deference to linguistic discourse means something more than expectations to keep one's distance as elderly women cackle with undertones of wickedness. Stranger Danger! You don't know Him. Stay Away! He's armed to the teeth. He has tooth armor. Emotional content masks factual content because ... Underlying Frameworks! I'm imposing my will and dominating! This is about Radical Distrust of the Other and the impersonal nature of institutional dominance/submission relationships.

Stop It! Just stop it. We're a civilized people, after all. We send the poor to war like any nation dominated by a quasi-respectable middle-class bourgeois sensibility. I mean, my God, for God's God, GodGodGod! Now, is this self-helping you? If so, that'll be $24.99 on Ignore that last statement at your debit card's Peril. Even so, I'm disgusted by your transactional nature. 

As I've said many times in recent times, I think Artists are Decision Makers and Leaders who find the Political Discourse of their Place and Time to be OUTRAGEOUS and INFANTILE. Is communal commercial art possible? Last time I was in Amsterdam, I witnessed one of Van Gogh's Sunflowers observing a museum visitor. Vincent seemed entirely dissatisfied with the experience. For Monet, too, it's been pert-near impossible finding watchers worthy of watching. Turns out, blind trust binds trust in a bounded binding bequeathed bitterly into a blond blandness. 

There was research, naturally, as the academics are always scouring the earth to unearth that which was perfectly content to remain as it was. Nevertheless, this batch was flabbergasted by their findings: "How could so little be known by so many even as the many are so satisfied by not knowing?!" Several concluded that information was undoubtedly being withheld; they called for more aggressive and invasive methods, even contemplating the gassing of Jews if it might help--anything for the sake of science! 

Even after these developments, several academics screamed at research subjects, "WHAT ARE YOU NOT TELLING US?!" The most common answer involved sipping a daiquiri from a colorful twisty straw which none of the researchers knew how to interpret. One particular subject thought it was odd that she was referred to as a subject given that he was actually the object of research. 

The academics, with their incessant insistence on being right all the time, were eventually destroyed by people who found fun-hating nerds to be Boring Buzzkills. Most were fed to bears which was deemed a good way to satisfy the meat-eating giants roaming the woods and forests of the earth. If they had been academics and scientists, they probably would have figured out a system to gas them en masse at concentration camps or drop nuclear weapons on their heads. Fortunately, non-nerds are fairly stupid so they favored fun-to-view ways of killing rather than focusing on effectiveness and efficiency.

Meanwhile ... My Confusion Is Real. My confusion is strong, my confusion is real. So real. So real. SO REAL! Feel the social distortion. Or listen to Social Distortion. Observe and sit amongst the French peasant, Robert Rauschenberg, while celebrating the Zen Buddhism of the loving-kindness known currently as Tom Brady. He is, as we all should know, bodhisattva. And yet ... He Is Bodhisattva. And yet ... He has decided to be Eternally Existent as a Human Being. Not just Rare, but to our puny human knowledge, Unique.

And, just so you know, ... I got a bug and I got a drug and it's better than love. How you like me now? Going on, feeling strong ... She thinks I'm kind, I'm kind of rude, shake them boots, let it all hang loose. Atget photography, get at graphics, photos, photons, protons, morons. The White Paintings by the French peasant: The Absurdity of Equality in a World where the leader of the Boston Tea Party moved to the Gulf of Mexico to become a filthy pirate.

So, philosophy sucks, am I right? Yeah, I am. Piss on the academic minds that think otherwise. I've spent way too much time thinking about phenomenology, existentialism, propositional logic, deconstruction, ethics, linguistics, and the like. So much that I can confirm that I was becoming an asshole. Sometimes, sometimes I say, sometimes a person is better off stepping back and saying, "Oh, yeah, fucking dada, right? Can I use some nonsense to get out of this hole I'm inside?" The answer is yes.

But how did I, Anti-Dada, get lost in reason and logic, Heidegger and Barthes? Camus, sure, I get that, makes sense. Warhol and Rauschenberg were at least manufacturers of art (even if they were fucking pricks who enslaved others to make their quasi-art). But embracing Paul Giamatti and Tom Brady? Took too long to get around to touching them inappropriately.

The point being the point that is being! Biology, seems to me, is a field of creativity, but none of the biologists have collectible cards that can be traded or sold by a card company. I mean, who is the Mickey Mantle of the biological field? I'm sure Darwin is Babe Ruth, but where does Louis Pasteur sit in the Biology Hall of Fame?There's a lightning rod of telescoping cosmological Breathing Stars made of Earth Dust and Human Bone, Tallywacker, Tallywacker, Three Dog Moan. Anyway, my mistress, South Africa, is not taking calls right now; still focusing on Earth Projects: biology, chemistry, and cannibalism. The depth of heart of the Dairy Cow is under-interesting to partial humans. Neurobiology, on the other hand, has transformed into a labyrinthine study of bionic rats. A non-dairy dialectic tripartite square root of pentagrams revealed a Sextet! "We have a strategy for winning very little of value while losing everything Meaningful!" Australia wins again ... among the English-speaking nations. What is chosen? Nurturance, naturally. Drive the tragedy of the Wheel. Put forth a smile, insulting circles of genetic sequencing. Huge error that is economically worthwhile.

Fine. Watch the show. Fine to watch the show, it's a dynamo, ya gotta see the show, it's a Dynamo! You gotta see the show! First a Gypsy Queen in a glaze of Vaseline, what a scene, what a scene. When you've had enough of that, watch the acrobat, before behind the glass you'll find a Real Blade of Grass ... What a show!

Jungian archetypes. Greek mythology. Archipelagos, real-live Logos, hushed green plants digging ante-bats, inside-out cats, specifically looking like that. Oh, yeah--You Gotta See The Show! A dynamo! Heebie Jeebies, heads cut off, Cockadoodledoo, Eight million miles. Eight million miles. Yeah, you and me girl, like getting stoned, hey, hey, hey, like getting stoned. 

Absorbed aggressively, the original still texts. In spite of it all, there is a radical insignificance driving the most dangerous aspects of acceptance somewhere under the Mask. Eight million miles. Billions of miles. You and me girl ... yeah, you're getting stoned. Hey, hey, hey, you're getting stoned. Yeah, it's like ... hey, hey, hey ... like Dig Deep and find the rock, like getting you girl, hey. hey ... it's like ...

It's like monogamy is a form of socialism. There. And she was. Grace, filled with. Original sin. Those are the parameters, those are the moneymakers. Danny DeVito, The Penguin, his finest cinematic hour, and LeBron James, star of the National Ballet Association (NBA), finally together in the Smack Talk Queen of Tomorrow and junking bedding apprenticeships. They, as pronoun. He, as outcast. She, as dominant Personality. Liberation, unequal, unaccountable. Value assessment debased on an arrested devironment in the arrondissement dominated by accordion alignment. Today: Words are Bad; Cats are Good.

Ugliness has a presence, but in a Post-Beauty and Present-Vanity World.

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