Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A Message from Q

I have information that pertains to an understanding being presented as a misunderstanding to perpetrate the illusion of confusion among followers who have interpreted messages correctly by falsely claiming to have interpreted messages correctly without understanding they were interpreting messages correctly under the guise of convincing the fake news that the theories presented are correctly false which has had the effect of making anons chase their tail in the guise of the deep state chasing its tail illuminating the location of the deep state within the psyche of the boogaloo which is really the oolagoob, the followers of which are goobers calling themselves goobs but in reality are hiding in plain site as rubes. 

Rubes have used the Rubik’s cube to unlock the matrix which contains the evidence of truth underlying all pedophile rings which have been disbanded to be rebranded as birth control kings using sex with minors as a front to prevent the passing of genetic information to a new generation who could have become rubes under the rubric of dupes playing the part of patsies for the indelible return of an Orwellian strategy disregarded as up-is-downism but in reality is triple-speak disguised as hate-means-love-means-hate as hatred is not the new love but that hate is declared the new love under which the old hate can survive undeterred by the anti-Christian masses which is the Real Christianity espoused by Jesus under double speak but distorted through triple speak unraveled by goobs in the fifth dimension of understanding to fool the rubes who, through an ignorant cunning, have accidentally discovered the truth which has been distorted accidentally on purpose by Hmerica fronting as America which has been known since ancient times as Chimeria and intentionally obfuscated as Merica, Murrica, Mrica, and Mysterical all most definitely defined by mystery, an abomination hiding the truth through the furtherance of uncertainty most clearly exposed in Animal Farm which was the precursor to Animal House in which belligerence was presented as preferable to order and mimicked throughout college campuses in the 1980s by unwitting Chads who were really Biffs dating Muffys before becoming U.S. Senators who employed Neidermeyers as civil servants who have since become the inheritors of the deep state.

Anons may declare their understanding of these truths by stating, “Thank you, sir, may I have another?” This may be conveyed through Internet chatter, displayed on signs at protests and rallies, or spray painted on public walls throughout Chimeria which stretches far beyond Hmerica’s borders but invisibly except when viewed through the ultraviolet light of riddle theology. This indicates a sign of knowing that fraternizing is the beginning of fraternity which is always associated with secret handshakes, gestures, signals, sayings, facial expressions, and clothing colors which can be identified correctly by other goobs who have incorrectly deciphered the messages as the destruction of order for the sake of the belligerence of chaos which is absurd and unintentionally dada without any realization that rubes’ souls are being deadened in a delightful fit of game playing with no rules other than that the truth must remain hidden for it to exist as truth, for whatever is understood is necessarily fake as evidence is tantamount to lying and lying is a commandment articulated through Moses the Jew through Orwellian doublespeak reversed through time in a Norman Rockwell painting as Rockwell equals Roswell where aliens have been infiltrating the U.S. government for hundreds of thousands of years before the U.S. government ever came into existence through time travel enabled by the alien idea presented in Einstein’s theories of specific and general relativity before time travel existed so that time travel could exist and thus be brought into being after the fact and before the happening.

The Chimerian deep state of Hmerica is run by the deep state of Russia which was infiltrated by the deep state of China which was created by the deep state of Hmerica after the most righteously vile Nazis who perished were resurrected unwittingly by Israeli Holocaust survivors who were spelled by CIA voodoo learned from Jamaican Rastafarians who had existed secretly as freed slaves who were originally white Africans who had purposefully pigmented their skin to blend with black African tribes before Western civilization began. The Aryans of the North which are understood as Nordic inflamed themselves into purified being from Icelandic volcanoes in the eighth century AD, which was really BC as BC is Because and AD is really D.A. the code of Kamala the shallow-state VP candidate, after tunneling from the Swiss Matterhorn during the Paleozoic Era well into the Holocene Epoch of the Quaternary Era. 

This provided the beginnings of the pedophilia movement learned from the Chinese but perfected by ancient Greeks who passed down the practice through secret scrolls hidden in the anuses of Hasidic Jews, without their knowledge, which eventually became part of their DNA passed down to European and Russian Jews which, upon discovery by Hitler, necessitated the attempt to eradicate them through death camp genocide. The Gypsies, disabled, and mentally ill were also exterminated just in case they might be carriers of perverted alien DNA, but this idea was actually a ploy by the Illuminati who had discovered that what we today call schizophrenics and bipolars were really Aryan shamans who had correctly predicted the coming of chemtrails. Thus, Hitler and the Nazis accidentally eradicated many of the greatest prophets of the early twentieth century by being fooled by propaganda perpetrated by fake Nazis who were in fact the homosexual liberals posing as fascist capitalists who would eventually start the Bilderberg society in 1954 which gave rise to the Hmerica deep state that was run by the deep state of Russia which was infiltrated by the deep state of China which was originally created by the deep state of Hmerica. 

Academic historian transgendered immigrants managed to fool the generations before the glorious rise of the goobs hiding in plain sight as rubes into believing that a fake history accurately described the Nazi rule, the Holocaust, the Soviet Union, communism, and the emerging liberal deep state antithetical to Hmerica through the obfuscation of the shallow-state America of national elections, congressional legislation, judicial case law, and public policies, none of which impact the actual functioning of the state at the deepest levels which are controlled by Bildergers like Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, and George Soros, all of whom have been perverted through alien DNA which uses quantum Jewishness and cosmic blackness to form love in the form of hate in the form of love which was manufactured in Area 51 by ancient aliens hundreds of thousands of years before the United States was formed and has periodically been injected into individuals who are not known to be Jews or blacks but are nevertheless so in both a psychic sense and within the deliberate falsehood of genetic manipulations which disturb the Aryan purity that was forged by volcanic fire.

It is false to believe Hillary Clinton started the pedophile ring being run out of a pizza parlor. She was the witting front for the site, but had nothing to do with pedophilia perpetrations performed perpetually. Only the patriots know the real story which must remain hidden through “Lock Her Up” chants when in fact, as I have learned recently through double-triple secret Aryan Knights of Templar agents within the deep state, the chants carry the meaning of “Keep Her Free.” The reason for this is the result of a double-blind study performed by organically manifesting white-power albinos who live in underground tunnels among the mole people who have kept them from being discovered by the Illuminati for centuries. The Holy Albinos have deciphered the truth of the purposes of “Lock Her Up” in the form of keeping her free so that the extent of the worldwide liberal Democratic pedophile ring can be more vociferously tracked by Donald Trump’s uber-secret reincarnated SS squads. Epstein was really a hero who knew the truth about Bill Clinton’s depravity and that of the progressive wing of the ultra-feminist black-empowerment DNC that runs the global structure of the pedophile trade. The world’s drug cartels and Chinese communists act as organized crime and political fronts for the pedophile system that controls the world’s genetic makeup. Pedophiles don’t even know they are part of a genetic plot to destroy the Aryan race; they are simply instruments for the Democratic Illuminati deep state that is trying to prevent pure genes from reproducing so as to muddy humanity with blackness and Jewness. 

That’s what they would have you believe, anyway. The truth is that the global pedophile ring is performing the function of preventing mutant genes from reproducing. By converting the mutants into pedophiles, the Aryan purity remains safe from dilution. This is the real reason why Area 51 came into existence. Right now, the entire world is made up of alien Aryan super humans thanks to the clandestine conversion of potential abominations into pedophiles so that their genes won’t be passed on. All races and ethnicities are purposefully pigmented Aryan aliens who have the Quest for Truth hidden within their DNA. There are no blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Arabs, Jews, Slavs, or any other supposed abomination. In fact, there are no men or women or transgenders. There is only one race, one gender. Cocks and pussies are similar to the shallow governments we see on the surface of politics; the deep state of the body, within genes, reveals perfect racial and gendered purity. Reproduction is an illusion; population is an illusion. There is only one body, one soul, one consciousness, and all manifestations are surface-level fake news reports about differences. 

The purpose of these fake differences is to perpetuate the purity of the species until the Dawn of the New Age occurs, during which what has remained hidden will be revealed and the eternal joy of perfection will shine throughout the quantum and the cosmic which are really one and the same. This Age will be followed by the Ceasing of Being which has been determined in the distant future by the time traveling quadruple agents of ancient alien Aryan heritage to be the moment beyond which things would just get really fucked up and utterly nonsensical. It is at the moment of True Dada that all being ceases because the cycling of chaos and order has been discovered to be boring and the only possibility following that realization is nihilism without any schadenfreude which has been interpreted as being the height of your pointless QAnon game-playing existence in which you are dupes engaged in a ridiculous conspiracy theory designed to make you feel superior without actually attaining any real or true superiority. Or, Q I Am and You Are Ham.

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